
Time Warp 20 YRS: The Truth Is On The Dancefloor Book

Mon 5 Dec 2016
Editor USM

Time Warp 20 YRS - The truth is on the dancefloor ...

Time Warp 20 YRS: The Truth Is On The Dancefloor Book

Time Warp 20 YRS: The Truth Is On The Dancefloor Book

Time Warp 20 YRS - The truth is on the dancefloor

Time Warp 20 YRS - The truth is on the dancefloor ...

... takes the reader on a journey through time to the first 20 years of Time Warp: The creators tell how a party for friends has become the most renowned Techno event worldwide. Artists explain what constitutes the fascination of Time Warp. Hundreds of pictures display the energy in front and behind the stages. And the team raises the curtain to take you behind the scenes of the cosmos called Time Warp, a party which is nothing more than a party. And is still much more!

Pre order the book here

Time Warp 20 YRS: The Truth Is On The Dancefloor Book
Time Warp 20 YRS: The Truth Is On The Dancefloor Book