
Narcissism through arts, narcissism in electronic music scene

Sat 27 Feb 2021
Editor USM

Is Narcissism the motivation of young artists to get involved in the electronic music scene?

narcissism in electronic music scene

Narcissism through arts, narcissism in electronic music scene

We are passing through the period of the Bing Bang of digital transformation and this new wave has affected the electronic music scene (as well as all the types of arts).

Is Narcissism the motivation of young artists to get involved in the electronic music scene?

Numerous social media platforms come up like mushrooms and the reason for this phenomenon is the thirst of Ego to expose itself to the public.  The Ego needs to be popular, the Ego needs to be something. The Ego is nested inside the human being and in our case, the Ego of an artist uses the exposure through social media to feed that thirst. 

The majority of music artists are addicted to a life of exposure and if that exposure runs out, not nice things will happen. 

So what is going on?

Common Narcissist Characteristics

  • Inflated Ego
  • Lack of Empathy
  • Need for Attention
  • Repressed Insecurities
  • Few Boundaries

Narcissistic personality disorder is a recognised mental health condition that affects primarily males. Let’s take a look at five of the most common characteristics of a narcissist in order to create awareness.

1. Inflated Ego

Those who suffer from narcissism usually seem themselves as superior to others. Their sense of self relies on setting themselves apart from the crowd. They will take purposeful steps in order to make sure they remain on top. These types of people tend to strive to be the best, most accomplished and beyond competent in their field. It’s not unusual for them to be highly successful professionals. They also exhibit this tendency in their personal relationships. They need to be right, to have the last word and to always be in control. It’s also possible for narcissists to shift this need for superiority to something negative. If they are experiencing difficulties or feel emotionally wounded, their situation suddenly becomes the worst. No one else’s suffering compares.

2. Lack of Empathy

Empathy is the ability to see things from another’s point of view. A key characteristic of narcissism is the lack of this ability. Narcissists only see things from their view. Their feelings and comfort are of most importance. These folks tend to think that others are only capable of feeling or seeing things in the exact same was as they do. It doesn’t occur to them that other perspectives may exist. They often lack remorse or guilt due to this trait.

3. Need for Attention

Remember that big ego of the narcissist? Well, it must constantly be fed by others. They look outside themselves for validation. These individuals will soak up praise and affirmation whenever possible. If they aren’t receiving the approval they seek, they will create scenarios in order to elicit it. It’s not unusual for a narcissistic individual to ask those around them countless questions in order to keep the attention focused on them or to create unnecessary drama for that purpose.

4. Repressed Insecurities

The person with narcissism often feels deep insecurity of some sort at their core. It’s these insecurities that are the cause for the attention seeking behavior and the inflated ego. Such insecurities can play out in a number of ways, most of which are rarely healthy. Their underlying fear, anxiety, and shame leads them to seek excessive control in all situations. They rarely display vulnerability and tend to see things in black or white terms. Something is either entirely good or it’s a complete failure.

5. Few Boundaries

Narcissists have a hard time respecting boundaries. The line between themselves and others is blurred. They see themselves as being entitled to everything. These folks will frequently use manipulative tactics such as demanding, pouting, gaslighting or tricking to obtain the means to their end. Narcissists find it incredibly insulting to be told no.

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition that wreaks havoc on relationships. Those dealing with narcissism, both the narcissist and the people around them, tend to have lives filled with much chaos.

Source: Psychology Today

How many of the emerging pioneers of electronic music are driven from pure expression and how many from narcissism?   

This is a very good question but the answer is not so promising. There are out there a few true artists that are driven through the thirst of their soul to express themselves through art without any expectations. Unfortunately the lack of self knowledge, drives the majority of artists to express themselves with the “colors” of narcissism. The artists that are trying to keep the true values of arts are the most time sidelined. 

Young artists get inspired by the “Big Names” of the scene, they get inspired by the exposure that these guys have. Is that true? 

As we’ve written some of our thoughts above, please answer this question by yourself.  

You can read an interesting study here: 

How will we get rid of that issue?

This is a big topic and has roots deep in human physiology. You can be aware of Ego and the various forms that it takes through humans but we don’t know if you can eliminate the Ego “mechanism”.  You can be aware of your everyday attitude and which are the motives of your actions and of course if you are an artist what is the motive of making art.

Closing this article we will suggest our brothers and sisters who are reading this article to study about the mechanism of Ego. There are out there beautiful readings that will help you and bring happiness and fulfillment to your life.