Mixshow 48 - Dr.Nojoke (Live Performance)
Artist info Dr.Nojoke
“Frank Bogdanowitz alias Dr. Nojoke is a producer and performer – his live sets continually bring new and unique sounds to the table, a combination of field-recordings, self-made sounds, and highly conceptual production that
redefine the way we understand electronic music. A Berlin native and leader in directional minimal techno (or “clikno” as he describes it), Dr. Nojoke is a master of rethinking ordinary musicality and procuring new uses for the
everyday.” Emma Robertson
Since 2005 Dr.Nojoke has been working on technoid sound-sculptures with an experimental and minimal approach based on self-made field-recordings. Through processing and editing he defines a groovy, deeply
hypnotic, quirky music he calls Clikno. Dr.Nojoke has been releasing on a multitude of labels such as Pheek's imprint Archipel, Klangscheiben, Sleep is Commerical, Pluie/Noir, UNOIKI, Minim.all, NOOK, Autist, Resopal...
He did remixes for acts like Rosenstolz, Dinamoe (Rico Püstel), Pheek, David Last and D.Diggler as well as for the English Electro-poetress Caro Snatch, M_Ferri (alias Superlover), Sven Laux, Andrew Duke, Andrés Marcos and
many more. In 2018 CLIKNO will become the name for his vinyl music label.
Amidst all this well-considered concept is of course the element of fun and serendipity. The live show may feature instruments such as radio, crushed plastic bottles, Jew’s harps, souvenirs, toys and also his voice as Dr.Nojoke
celebrates the joy of finding special sounds in everyday objects not usually appreciated for their musicality. Additionally he uses sounds he recorded all over the world, that feel alienating and disturbing in the context of a
club-night – sounds from babies, nature, from protest marches, church bells or even muezzin ... This is all part of the magic and fun of his performances.
Since 2005 he carried out solo-performances in galleries, clubs and festivals notably at ARMA 17, Save Festival (Moscow), Piknic Electronik (Montreal), Freerotation Festival (Wales), Club Transmediale (Berlin), Boom Festival
(Portugal), Next Sound Festival (Ukraine), Freqs of Nature (Germany), Waha Festival (Romania), Festival Paysages Electroniques (Lille), Live Performers Meeting (Rome), Netaudio Festival Berlin and London, Universo Parallelo
(Brasil), Sol-Fest (Spain), X-Bass Festival (Napels).