Modern House Quintet Q&A
French duo and live act Modern House Quintet have released a host of well-received EPs of late via their own self-titled label.
We are both from Paris (I'm from the west suburb side, my colleague is from the east suburb side). I started making music in 2012 and we met through friends in 2015 because I was looking for someone to help me during live acts.
And since my colleague is one of the founders of Squarp Instruments ( ), it was the perfect match.
Our influences... Ron Trent, Basic Channel, Mark Broom
We played mostly in Paris up to now... Batofar, Punk Paradise, Glaz'Art (last july, with Glenn Underground and Rick Wade), Communion, Gibus. However, no one was kind enough to give us a residency for our live act thus far.
Regarding... the musical difference(s) between MHQ and Cyclades, to be honest, when you listen to the CYC 001 there aren't any. Even though, in the future, Cyclades will be used for our techno releases.